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  • This can be found online at www.educationappeals.com/appealinfo/

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  • Please click year group

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  • ·       I confirm that I have read the letter from the Clerk to Governors and understand the role and powers of the Review Panel.  I have already read the booklet about appeals and the grounds under which I may appeal.

    ·       I wish to exercise my right to appeal against a permanent exclusion in accordance with the Education Act 2011.

    ·       I certify that I am the person with parental responsibility for the child named in section 1 and the information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    I confirm that the information I have provided can be shared with the panel, clerk and the school.

    ·       I understand that if I do not attend the hearing, my appeal will be heard in my absence using the information I have supplied on this form together with any other information sent to the Clerk to the Appeals Panel before my hearing date.

    Please tick to confirm the above declaration

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